Lucrezia Reichlin
Professor of Economics at London Business School, non-executive director of UniCredit Banking Group and AGEAS Insurance Group, and Chair of the Scientific Council at the Brussels based think-tank Bruegel. Lucrezia was Director General of Research at the European Central Bank from March 2005 to September 2008. She was research director of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in 2011- 2013, first Chairman of the CEPR Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee, and co-founder and scientist in charge of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network.
Lucrezia pioneered econometric models for large data and co-developed with Domenico Giannone the techniques that are the basis of now-casting. She also does research on monetary policy and the business cycle. Lucrezia is a Fellow of the British Academy. See Lucrezia's web page here.
Jasper McMahon
Formerly a director of Misys plc, the UK software group, previously an investment banker with Salomon Brothers and S.G.Warburg, and a management consultant with McKinsey & Co. Jasper has experience of finance, operations, and of business start-ups.
Daniela Truzzi
Manager at Now-Casting, Daniela is also a PhD candidate in Management a the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations and marketing activities of Now-Casting. Daniela holds an MSc from the LSE and a BSc from the Rotterdam School of Management. Previously, she worked in market research, serving consultancy and institutional investor clients globally.
Filippo Pellegrino
Economist at Now-Casting, Filippo has recently graduated with a double degree from LUISS Guido Carli (MS in Economics and Finance) and Fordham Gabelli School of Business (MS in Global Finance). He has previously worked in the investment management industry.
Thomas Hasenzagl
Economist at Now-Casting, Thomas holds a BA from New York University and a MSc from the London School of Economics, both in Economics.
Now-Casting is a new, online service delivering high frequency, short-term forecasts for the world’s major economies – in real time. These forecasts (or ‘now-casts’) are generated by a state-of-the-art econometric model, which updates all forecasts automatically whenever any significant data release is published. At present Now-Casting covers the Euro-Area, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, US, Brazil, China. Other countries are coming soon. Now-Casting output is delivered to subscribers via our web site, via automated email alerts, and via data downloads.