
Our products are focused on the interpretation and analysis of macroeconomic data series. All of our products are available by subscription, except the NCI™, which is freely available via our web site and via the Bloomberg terminal

The Now-Casting Calendar
Through extensive research we have identified which data series matter in each of the 15 countries/territories that we cover (see the vertical menu bar on the left for a list of the countries/territories covered). These are the data series that carry significant information about the overall performance of the relevant economy. We provide comprehensive details of each series including source, release timing, definition and history
The Now-Casting Index
The Now-Casting Index is an indicator of overall economic activity published monthly for 10 of the world's largest economies: the US, China, Japan, the Euro Area, the UK, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Russia and South Africa. The NCI™ is an output from the same statistical model that we use to generate forecasts of GDP and other series.
Forecasts of GDP
The Now-Casting statistical model forecasts GDP for the current, previous and next calendar quarters. Forecasts are updated within minutes of the release of any of the data series in the Now-Casting Calendar. We show not only this continuously updated series of estimates of GDP, but also the impact that each data release has had in improving the estimate.
Forecasts of other series
In addition to GDP, our model forecasts all of the data series in the Now-Casting Calendar and updates these forecasts whenever new data arrives. We show the forecast for the next release of each series, as well as historical information on both the series itself (including revisions) and our forecasts at different intervals before release date.